Sample panels from different Charrtoons. Swipe on mobile or use your mouse. See all pieces.

Mission Statement

This website, in cooperation with FUSEE, intends to improve wildfire messaging by crafting novel series of wildfire insights embedded in distinctive penciled-out pantomimes.

Critical wildfire concepts must become more accessible to the public because Global Warming introduces a new wildfire era. Cartoons effectively spread ideas. Readily distributed on social media, email, and other websites, these Charrtoons can then seep through layers of social inter-connectedness from the public to Media and spread like wildfire.

Explanation of the term “Charrtoon”

“Charr” derives from an acronym, Climate Habitat Adaptive Regional Response, meaning wildland habitats in discrete regions have unique adaptive responses to Climate Change. Concomitantly, we must adapt regional management responses to wildfires so human and wild habitats become resilient enough to survive Climate Change.

Char also describes fire effects and sooty, burnt areas. Charred, sharpened, fire-hardened sticks may have been proto-humans’ first synthesized, adaptive tools. Now, modern humans must adapt strategies to evolve wildland habitats into resilient, carbon-sequestering, fire-hardy arks. Wildlands will burn, we can only choose how.

Website Abstract

In cooperation with FUSEE (Firefighters united for safety, ethics, and ecology), this website intends to improve wildfire messaging by crafting a novel series of cartoons and informational graphics that can be readily distributed on social media, email, and websites.

Current messaging needs to be improved. The public and Media still reflexively respond to western wildfire with apprehension. This suggests limited success for 50 years of communiques that promote acceptance of wildfires’ benefits to wildlands.

Making wildfire information more accessible becomes critical as Global Warming introduces a new wildfire era. Concise, pull-quote-styled messages embedded in wildfire-centric penciled-out pantomimes, can successfully distribute wildfire information.

Entertaining graphics and cartoons effectively spread ideas. For example, popular New Yorker–styled cartoons that hilariously focus on esoteria of professions and lifestyles become widely shared and remembered in conversations. Cartoon humor can strengthen relationships, enhance reputations, and signal values within group affiliations. What was, a generation ago, stuck on refrigerators or clipped and sent in letters, now can be pasted on Facebook or sent through social media.

When wildland professionals send them by smart phone to friends who also send them to other friends, then sophisticated wildfire revelations seep through layers of social inter-connectedness from the public to Media and spread like wildfire.

Statement of Charrtoons Use and Ownership

All rights reserved for text and images. Please contact us for permission involving commercial for-profit use. For personal and nonprofit purposes, please freely use, disseminate, and share the graphic pamphlets, “Charrtoons,” in whole or in part.